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    经济经纬 2024 Issue (1) :83-96
    国际经济 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
程显宏1, 姜国刚1, 邹宗森2
1.常州大学 吴敬琏经济学院,江苏 常州 213159;
2.曲阜师范大学 经济学院,山东 日照 276826
    Can the Digital Economy Empower China and RCEP Countries to Sustain Their Export Duration?
    CHENG Xianhong1, JIANG Guogang1, ZOU Zongsen2
1. Wu Jinglian School of Economics, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213159, China;
2. School of Economics, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China
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摘要 数字经济不仅有助于提升经济运行效率和质量,而且有助于加强中国与RCEP国家经贸合作程度。构建数字经济发展水平的三级指标评价体系,测度中国数字经济发展的实际水平,采用2011—2021年面板数据检验了数字经济对中国与RCEP国家出口持续时间的影响,研究发现:第一,数字经济发展会显著增加中国与RCEP国家出口持续时间;第二,数字经济通过降低贸易成本、提升区域创新能力和增加贸易开放度渠道降低出口风险率,延长出口持续时间;第三,对于不同收入水平RCEP国家来说,当期与上一期数字经济发展会延长中国与中低收入和高收入RCEP国家的出口持续时间,但对中高收入RCEP国家的影响并不显著;第四,对于不同类型产品来说,数字经济发展均会延长中国与RCEP国家出口持续时间。数字经济发展对劳动密集型产品的出口持续时间影响较大,对初级产品的影响较小,说明随着产品附加值的提高,数字经济对中国与RCEP国家出口持续时间的影响逐渐增加。
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关键词数字经济   RCEP   出口持续时间   Cloglog模型     
Abstract: The digital economy not only helps improve the efficiency and quality of economic operations but also strengthens the level of economic and trade cooperation between China and RCEP countries. This paper constructs a three-level indicator evaluation system for the development level of the digital economy and measures the actual level of China’s digital economic development. Using panel data from 2011 to 2021, it examines the impact of the digital economy on the export duration of China and RCEP countries. The findings are as follows: Firstly, the digital economy will significantly increase the duration of exports between China and RCEP countries; Secondly, the digital economy reduces export risk rate and prolongs export duration by reducing trade cost, improving regional innovation ability and increasing trade openness; Thirdly, for RCEP countries with different income levels, the current and previous period’s improvement in the digital economy will increase the export duration of China and low-to middle-income RCEP countries. However, its impact on high-income RCEP countries is not significant; Fourthly, the development of the digital economy will increase the export duration of China and RCEP countries for different types of products. The impact of the digital economy on the export duration of labor-intensive products is significant, while its impact on primary products is relatively small. This indicates that as the value-added of products increases, the influence of the digital economy on the export duration of China and RCEP countries gradually increases.
KeywordsDigital Economy   RCEP   Duration of Export   Cloglog Model     
收稿日期 2023-06-23; 接受日期 ;
通讯作者 姜国刚(1974— ),男,黑龙江佳木斯人,博士,教授,主要从事能源与环境经济研究.   
作者简介: 程显宏(1985— ),男,辽宁长海人,博士,讲师,主要从事数字经济和国际贸易研究;邹宗森(1979— ),男,山东五莲人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事国际金融研究。
程显宏, 姜国刚, 邹宗森.数字经济能否赋能中国与RCEP国家出口持续时间?[J].  经济经纬, 2024,1: 83-96
CHENG Xianhong, JIANG Guogang, ZOU Zongsen.Can the Digital Economy Empower China and RCEP Countries to Sustain Their Export Duration?[J]  Economic Survey, 2024,V41(1): 83-96
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